Stretch & Restore with Monica Dando

Grab your props and take part in this slow practice. It begins with gentle movement and stretches followed with supported postures using props. Props suggested include

blocks, a bolster, blankets and a chair. Have your mat near a wall for legs up the wall. I hope you enjoy this quiet practice.


Yoga for Before a Walk or Run with Karen Smereka

This class uses a hardback chair, a strap and a tennis ball, a lime or lemon or a yoga tuneup ball.

If you have tender knees you will also need some padding for your knees if you don’t have a thick yoga mat.

This class starts seated on a prop on the floor or on the chair. From there we move to a Kneel down lunge followed by standing postures such as goddess and warrior two.

It ends on the floor with some twists and some legwork.

The thinking behind this class is an intention to activate the the back and side body so that walking and running can feel more easeful.

It can also be fun to do this yoga practice before a more physical yoga practice to see if you sense more more ease in your body.


Moving into Meditation with Nancy Williams

The physical focus of this practice is to invite the chest to open, to bring some ease to tight shoulders and hips and to prepare the body to sit more comfortably in meditation.

As the body relaxes, there is also an energetic focus- the mind may quiet its busyness and become calm and the nervous system may settle as body, mind and spirit prepare to meditate.

A guided meditation completes the practice

Sun Salutations - Intermediate Practice with Monica Dando

Sun salutations can be a vigorous practice, so previous knowledge of yoga is an asset.

This video guides you through several options for sun salutations while building in the previous set of poses.

Take time at the end of this practice to enjoy savasana. .


Mini Hatha Class - 15 Minute Reconnect with Ashley Buchanan

You will need a hard back chair, a block, a strap and knee padding if you have tender knees. This approximately 55 minute practice starts in a chair with som...

You need a hard back chair, a resistance band and a small hollow ball (or some creative alternatives). This is accessible for almost everyone and will help your feet feel more supple and strong

Yoga for a Summer Day

In this practice, we do a little bit of everything.

We begin with a centering on the breath, then we warm the joints, stretch, strengthen, and practice our balance.

The practice ends with a guided relaxation/meditation. There are options for cooling the body if you are practicing on a hot summer's day and options for heating on a

cool summer's day.

Today’s practice is about going with the flow!

An awareness of your breath is encouraged as you slowly move through postures.

The breath remains even, steady, and natural in its intensity.



Hi Friends !

Here is Video One of our Online Summer Series.

This one hour class is called “Back to Practice” - This class was designed to reconnect to movement and breath after taking a break from yoga.
